
Adverse Events negatively affect us to the tune of 1.3 billion dollars per year. Target 2 Zero Adverse Event/ Stress Reduction Protocol can be utilized to prevent symptoms from occurring as soon as stressful/adverse events occur. This is a very simple and easy modality that provides relief and decreases symptoms for both individuals and groups.

Developed during the initial months of the War.

Working in Ukraine

After reading the news for a couple of weeks in February 2022, I was heartsick. So I offered to help out in Ukraine on the EMDRIA Consultant community page. I got bounced between two emails in which one mentioned stabilization support and then had another email with a Zoom link in Russian. I was a little nervous because I did not receive any directions. I assumed I would be an assistant facilitator for the ASSYST protocol.

I opened the Zoom link on March 6, 2022. There were 17 Ukrainians and a translator. After a brief second of panic, Target 2 Zero Adverse Event/Stress Reduction Protocol was innovated on the spot. I was there to help after all. 23 sessions later with 93 Ukrainian Therapists served, Target 2 Zero Stress Reduction Adverse Event Protocol reduced the stress of individuals to Zero in 30 to 45 minutes.

By the second or third session, I did learn that I was providing services through Open Doors. Here is their website.

I am so honored to be one of only 12 U.S. EMDR therapists working in this capacity during the initial months of  War in Ukraine. My innovation of Target 2 Zero which was known in Ukraine as MAX TAX   worked so well that I was asked to continue working for an additional month past the end date of all other US therapists.

In my final session on 7/17/22, one therapist let me know she uses  Target 2 Zero  Adverse Event/Stress Reduction Protocol with her clients. I asked her what she notices using Target 2 Zero with clients. She replied that clients come in highly anxious and then they calm down so that she can do Gestalt Therapy with them. I am thrilled to have innovated a modality that can be used by working professionals during extremally adverse situations! This is such a simple protocol and the benefits are so impressive that I have applied for IRB approval to review the data and then publish it. This intervention is crucial for all working professionals and teams. It allows a team to individually decrease the emotionality and intensity of an experience so that each person can focus on the problem, assess multiple options, and solve the problem most effectively.