Target 2 Zero

optimizes performance by pruning details of past performance.
Target 2 Zero is also utilized as a preventative and treatment for PTSD symptoms. Experiencing stressful or adverse events causes a variety of negative symptoms. Target 2 Zero quickly decreases the stress and related symptoms. This can be accomplished in as little times as 5 to 15 minutes. As a modality, Target 2 Zero is 86% FASTER than Standard EMDR Protocol while also reducing symptoms by 84%.
For athletes, first responders, active duty military, health care providers, and educators








Improve outcomes with Target 2 Zero. Adverse events negatively affect individuals to the tune of 1.3 trillion dollars a year. By zeroing out the details of adverse events, symptoms alleviate and outcomes improve.


Scarlett Williams, LPC

Scarlett is the founder and CEO. Target 2 Zero offers training, consultation, and coaching for teams, organizations, and mental health professionals. Scarlett also maintains an outpatient private practice in Blacksburg, Virginia. For individual services

Contact (540) 385-6391